Nevada Divorce and Document Services Questionnaires - Start Call Now! Call Now! Nevada Divorce & Document Services
Nevada Divorce and Document Services Questionnaires - Start Nevada Divorce & Document Services Call Now! Call Now!
Nevada Divorce and Document Services Nevada Divorce & Document Services Questionnaires - Start Call Now! Call Now!

Easy Divorce

We are one of the largest easy divorce companies in the country providing easy divorces, with a 20 year record of experience and success.

If one party resides in Nevada, or 1 party establishes residency in Nevada, or is in the military with Nevada listed as the home state on the LES;

  • Attorney consultation available;
  • Full service, not just forms. We do all the work for you;
  • Papers are ready for you to sign usually within 1 day
  • No COPE class for Las Vegas residents - save $80;
  • No court appearance required unless it becomes contested;
  • Free inclusion of children, assets and debts;
  • Once the joint papers are signed, notarized & filed it normally takes about a week to be finalized;
  • A complaint, with only one part signing, takes about 6-12 weeks, depending on service.

Joint Petition - papers signed by both parties:

Cost - $300 for our typing services plus a court filing/handling fee of $325.
Easy Divorce - Joint Petition $300 Start Now!

Complaint - papers signed by only 1 party or the other party cannot be located:

Cost - $500 plus a court filing fee of $325; and service of papers to your spouse of about $100 for personal service (takes about 6 weeks), or if the party cannot be served, a due diligence search which costs $125 and publication of approximately $200-$300 (takes about 12 weeks). However, if the other person contests the case it will take longer and we advise the client to hire an attorney.

To review easy divorce Statutes in their entirety go to Nevada Revised Statutes 125. To review Nevada child support statutes go to Nevada Revised Statutes 125B.
Easy Divorce - Complaint $500 Start Now!

Nevada Residency

Nevada residency requires: one (1) party must be a resident and pysically present in Nevada for a period of 6 weeks. To prove your residency we type a Resident Witness Affidavit that another resident signs stating that he/she has seen you living in Nevada for 6 weeks. The witness must be at least 18 years of age who has lived in Nevada for at least the past six (6) months and may be anyone, like a relative, friend or co-worker.

If you are currently in the military and your military home state (state of record) is Nevada, you may file for an annulment or divorce even if you now reside in another state or country.

Our 100% Guarantee
Use Nevada Divorce's services with a peace of mind guarantee. We guarantee 100% Court Approval with properly signed documents, unless it is a complaint action and the Defendant contests. Read more in Our Guarantee.
Can a husband and wife agree on how to divide their property?
Yes, if the agreement is written and is approved by a court in the divorce proceeding. If it is a Complaint for Nevada divorce if the other person does not respond you would get what was asked for.

What is the basis for an award of spousal support (alimony)?
There is no precise statutory guidance for spousal support as there is for child support. The court considers the relative earning capacity of each spouse, the possibility of education or training to increase the earning capacity of a spouse, whether a spouse has been out Here is a link to the statutes for spousal support.

What provision does Nevada make for child support payments?
Ordinarily, the spouse who has primary physical custody of a child will be awarded child support. In Nevada, the precise child support amount is determined as a percentage of the non custodial parent's gross monthly income (income before taxes and any other deductions are taken out):
  • 1 child: 18%
  • 2 children: 25%
  • 3 children: 29%
  • 4 children: 31%
add 2% for each additional child In Nevada, with rare exceptions, the minimum per child is $100 per month. The court may "deviate" up or down from the resulting amount to compensate for such things as day care costs, the cost of medical insurance, visitation expenses, the non custodial spouse's responsibility for support of other children, and other factors identified in the statute.

How long will the process take?
For a Complaint for divorce if the other party is personally served it normally takes 6 weeks. If you need to publish service in the newspaper it normally takes about 3 months.

Nevada Divorce & Document Services, Inc